Youth Wing Cricket Club

2019 Dinner & Dance

This year annual YWCC Dinner and Dance Theme has been been anounced and it will be 'Aloha! A Night In Hawaii'. 

It will be held on the 23rd of November 2019 at Blue Room Gardens, Noth Harrow. 

The ticket price is £27.50.

We are most thankful to the multiple local business for their support not to mention members and their family, friends and guests who

look forward to the great entertainment and at times ground breaking theme decorations. It’s also great to see past members who join

at this function to catch up, network or simply just have fun at our annual dinner and dance.

So save the date on your diaries and please speak to Ywcc members to secure tickets.

Please speak to a memeber of ywcc or contact for more information.

Pictures from our pervious Dinner and Dances